Prepare for the Future, Protect Your Spouse.

Prepare for the Future, Protect Your Spouse.

Leave Your Partner Financially Stable For many older couples, Social Security makes up a big part of their monthly income. But, when one partner dies, the survivor only receives the larger of the two checks that were coming in; the smaller check vanishes. That can be...
Good Taste, Good Health: Vegetable Stew

Good Taste, Good Health: Vegetable Stew

It’s all vegetables and completely delicious. Enjoy this fresh springtime treat. Vegetable Stew Ingredients: 1/2 oz dried morels 1 cup warm water 1 lemon 6 large artichokes 1 tbsp x-virgin olive oil 4 medium leeks (white part) cleaned/cut into 1/2 inch dice 1...
Choosing a Primary Doctor

Choosing a Primary Doctor

How to Choose a Primary Doctor Original Medicare does not require you to select a primary care doctor. However, it still makes sense to select a primary doctor to see on a regular basis. This way, you will have someone who will really get to know your health needs and...